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Prioritizing Your Physical Health: Why Taking Breaks is Important In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Many of us have demanding jobs that require long hours in front of a computer or sitting at a desk. We often prioritize our work over our physical […]

Physio2Home: Helping You Climb Stairs After Hip Replacement

Climbing Stairs After Hip Replacement Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure for people suffering from severe hip pain and limited mobility. While the surgery itself can greatly improve your quality of life, the recovery process can be challenging, especially when it comes to climbing stairs. At Physio2Home, we understand the difficulties that come with […]

Home Physiotherapy for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease


Physio2Home: Providing Home Physiotherapy for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease At Physio2Home, we understand the challenges that patients with Parkinson’s disease face when it comes to accessing physiotherapy services. That’s why we are proud to offer home visit physiotherapy for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, providing them with convenient and personalized care in the comfort of their […]

Importance of Addressing Pain: Don’t Ignore the Signals

Why Ignoring Pain Can Lead to Further Injury Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. It can range from a mild discomfort to a sharp, debilitating sensation. Yet, many of us tend to ignore pain, thinking it will go away on its own. However, ignoring pain can have serious consequences, […]

Neurological Conditions that We Treat


Different Types of Neurological Conditions We Treat at Physio2Home At Physio2Home, we understand the impact that neurological conditions can have on an individual’s daily life. That’s why we offer specialized physiotherapy services to help manage and treat a variety of neurological conditions. Our experienced physiotherapists are dedicated to providing personalized care and support to our […]

Physiotherapy for Balance and Coordination

old man walking with help of stand

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Balance and Coordination Did you know that physiotherapy can do more than just treat injuries and manage medical conditions? It can also improve your overall balance and coordination. As we age, our bodies naturally experience a decline in balance and coordination. This can lead to an increased risk of falls, which […]

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Recovering from an Injury


Recovery After An Injury Recovering from an injury can be an extremely challenging and frustrating process. It requires immense patience, dedication, and utilizing the right approach to ensure a successful recovery. However, a staggering number of people make common mistakes that can severely hinder their progress and even lead to further injuries that exacerbate the […]

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